Japonism, or Japonisme might be considered a general term for the influence of the arts of Japan on those of the West, whereas in France Japanisme is applied to such influence and is in addition the name of a specfic French style.
From the 1860s, ukiyo-e, Japanese wood-block prints, became a source of inspiration for many European impressionist painters in France and elsewhere, and eventually for Art Nouveau and Cubism.
This time I will write regarding the origin of Japonesim, in other words it is Japan in those days.
Japanese artists of Ukiyoe were inspired by Kachohugetsu(花鳥風月), that's nature, animals, seasons in their country.
The report tries to compare between prints(Ukiyoe) and old photographs each in similar situasions.
Mt.Fuji is behind several bulls(horses) and packhorse drivers. bulls(horses) carry loads on their back. Ukiyoe by Hokusai Katsushika 馬子と荷物を運ぶ複数の牛(馬)、背後には富士山が見える。 |
Some carpenters follow each works. A man saws a pillar on it. Ukiyoe by Hokusai Katsushika 数名の大工がそれぞれの仕事に従事している。一人は支柱の上でそれを切っている。 |
Many people guests are holden up by some men across a river Sakawa-gawa. Ukiyoe by Hiroshige. 男たちに支えられる客ら、多くの人々が酒匂川を渡る。 |
Three Geisha girls are standing nearby a tree. It still looks very young. Ukiyoe by Hiroshige. 三人の芸者の娘たちが木の傍で佇んでいる。まだ見た目にはあどけなさが残っている。 |
Saru-hashi spans the Katsura river is still living in Yamanashi Prefecture even now. Ukiyoe by Hiroshige. 桂川にかかる猿橋は未だ山梨県に現存している。 |
I presume Europian people in those day who are influenced by Japonisum, might been interested in something of spiritual or mysterious in Japan. However it is fact that we have still had such thing. Understanding what it is, must be a urgent problem for that we shoud be Japanese .
Yasuhiko Kondo
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